CoinTracking mobile

Интерактивная демонстрация

Подвести баланс обмена

Все валюты с их значением и суммами, сгруппированы по Обмену или Группа-Сделка. Группы-Сделка могут располагаться на странице ввода монет с переключение на таблицу сводок "Расширенный".

Show all current assets with a historical price as of: или
This setting will use a specific historical price for all assets you currently own. It does not take into account how many assets you had on that day.
If you want to see your actual assets and prices for a previous day, please use the 'End date' setting in the Filter below.
You can also use the filter end date and the historical prices combined to calculate, for example, all your assets as of 01 Jun 2020 with coin prices from 31 Dec 2020.
CoinTracking · Chart
Filter активно (59/59)
  • Transaction Types (46/46)
  • select all | unselect all
  • Incoming Transactions
  • Outgoing Transactions
  • Exchanges (10/10)
  • select all | unselect all
  • Groups (3/3)
  • select all | unselect all
    • Period of Time (активно)
    • remove date filter
    • Начальная дата:
    • Start time:
    • End date:
    • End time: