CoinTracking mobile

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Balance by Exchange

All currencies with their amount and value grouped by Exchange or Trade-Group. Trade-Groups can be set on the Enter Coins page by switching the table view to "Extended".

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This setting will use a specific historical price for all assets you currently own. It does not take into account how many assets you had on that day.
If you want to see your actual assets and prices for a previous day, please use the 'End date' setting in the Filter below.
You can also use the filter end date and the historical prices combined to calculate, for example, all your assets as of 01 Jun 2020 with coin prices from 31 Dec 2020.
CoinTracking · Chart
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Ungrouped Balance

Amount Current value
in USD
Current value
in BTC
301.55225730 BTC20,458,677.20 USD 301.55225730 BTC
582.60000000 CRO53.22 USD 0.00078450 BTC
75.24460000 DASH2,015.84 USD 0.02971264 BTC
1,000.00000000 DYDX1,287.83 USD 0.01898200 BTC
4,753.34842000 ETH15,458,486.08 USD 227.85155294 BTC
10,958.00000000 GMRX20.44 USD 0.00030134 BTC
400.00000000 KAS72.71 USD 0.00107170 BTC
10,908.40270000 LTC776,610.26 USD 11.44690703 BTC
20,042,500.00000000 NEO234,052,348.68 USD 3,449.83272322 BTC
742.60000000 TRX101.91 USD 0.00150213 BTC
0.00110000 USDT0.00 USD 0.00000002 BTC
1,800.00000000 VET51.39 USD 0.00075744 BTC
2,176,945.00000000 XRP1,298,093.08 USD 19.13334348 BTC
-0.00110000 KSA0.00 USD 0.00000000 BTC
TOTAL: 272,047,818.64 USD 4,009.86989574 BTC


Amount Current value
in USD
Current value
in BTC
0.01600000 BTC1,085.51 USD 0.01600000 BTC
TOTAL: 1,085.51 USD 0.01600000 BTC

Resultat du Minage/Cracking/Client/Approuv

Amount Current value
in USD
Current value
in BTC
14.81000000 BTC1,004,777.79 USD 14.81000000 BTC
TOTAL: 1,004,777.79 USD 14.81000000 BTC


Amount Current value
in USD
Current value
in BTC
0.58000000 BTC39,349.84 USD 0.58000000 BTC
TOTAL: 39,349.84 USD 0.58000000 BTC

Resultat du Minage/Cracking/Client/Approuvé!

Amount Current value
in USD
Current value
in BTC
14.81000000 BTC1,004,777.79 USD 14.81000000 BTC
TOTAL: 1,004,777.79 USD 14.81000000 BTC


Amount Current value
in USD
Current value
in BTC
0.00078744 BTC53.42 USD 0.00078744 BTC
TOTAL: 53.42 USD 0.00078744 BTC

Total values

Name Current value in USD Current value in BTC
Ungrouped Balance272,047,818.64 USD 4,009.86989574 BTC
Moonpay1,085.51 USD 0.01600000 BTC
Resultat du Minage/Cracking/Client/Approuv1,004,777.79 USD 14.81000000 BTC
Resultat du Minage/Cracking/Client/Approuvé!1,004,777.79 USD 14.81000000 BTC
TOTAL: 274,097,862.99 USD 4,040.08668318 BTC

Total Coin Value by Trade-Group

Total Account Value by Trade-Group

Total Coin Value: The total value of all coins (Fiats not included) grouped by Exchange or Trade-Group.
Total Account Value: The total value of ALL currencies (Fiats included) grouped by Exchange or Trade-Group.
Both pie charts contain only positive values.