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Trade Prices

A list of all trades with the respective converted trade price in BTC and USD on the time of each transaction. Useful for miners to get the Fiat prices for each deposit.

What can be done on this page?

  • Check the value at the time of the transaction in USD and BTC for all your entries
  • Check the spread between the trade pair (only for trades)
  • Search and sort your entries
  • Use the advanced search
  • Filter all entries by type, exchange, group and date
  • Export all entries as CSV, Excel or PDF
  • Open additional transaction data by clicking on the 'plus' icon

Possible problems and solutions

  • If the spread is too high or too low, one of the two trade values is probably wrong. Open the Transactions page and correct the value of the asset, if necessary (instruction).
Trade Prices Table

This table contains all your trades including their converted trade price at the time of transaction.
  • Type: Can be "Trade", "Deposit" or "Withdrawal"
  • Buy: The bought amount and currency
  • Value in BTC: The buy amount converted in BTC at the time of transaction
  • Value in USD: The same, just in your account currency
  • Sell: The sold amount and currency
  • Value in BTC: The sell amount converted in BTC at the time of transaction
  • Value in USD: The same, just in your account currency
  • Spread: The difference between the buy and the sell value in percent
  • Exchange: The name of the exchange (specified when you use a CSV or API import)
  • Trade Date: The day and time of your transaction

Notes on the spread:
Usually the sell value of a trade is a few percent higher than the buy value. That's because a sale includes the order books spread and a fee.
The spread should not be more than 5% for well-traded coins on a good exchange.
For low-traded coins or on bad order books it can be more.

If the spread is too much or too low, please make sure your entered trade data is correct (especially the time, the buy & sell values and both currencies).
When you think, your trade data is correct, have a look at the Coin Charts. Please check the prices for both currencies (the buy and the sell currency) at your transaction time in the chart. Should the price not be correct, you can fix it on the 'Enter Coins' page by editing the 'Asset value' in the edit form.

Export: You can export this table by clicking on the export buttons.
Column Sorting: Click on a column name to change the sorting. Shift-Click another column to sort multiple columns.
Additional Trade Information: Click on the blue plus on the left of each row, to display additional information.
[Advanced Search]
Type Buy Cur. Value in BTC Value in USD Sell Cur. Value in BTC Value in USD Spread Exchange Group Date
Sum Purchases: 8,14 BTC 96.251,03 USD Sum Sales: 7,79 BTC 97.500,73 USD Ø -4,36 %
Sum Deposits: 9,91 BTC 145.925,28 USD Sum Withdrawals: 4,09 BTC 82.750,00 USD