CoinTracking mobile

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Short & Long Report / Tax-free or Tax-privileged Coins

Calculation of remaining Long-Term and Short-Term assets for a specific date and period.

Coins that have been in your possession for longer than one year are displayed in the "Long" table and can be sold tax-free or at a reduced tax rate (depending on the tax laws of your country) at the specified date.

Coins where the holding period has not been reached, appear in the "Short" table and are fully taxable at the specified date. You may want to wait with the sale of these coins.

Total long and short volume of all assets (converted in BTC) for a period of one year from today

Calculando dados do gráfico de 16,652 negociações... (Tempo de carregamento: ~24 segundos)
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All taxable transactions:
Calculate all trades including all taxable inputs & outputs such as mining, gifts, expenditure, donations, losses and stolen/hacked coins.
This is the recommended setting and calculates all taxable transactions in the same way as the Tax Report.

All transactions (incl. depot separation):
Same calculation as above, but with enabled depot separation.
By activating the depot separation, all exchanges and wallets are treated as separate depots (tax lots).
Please ensure that all your deposits and withdrawals between exchanges/wallets are set completely and correctly in your CoinTracking account when enabling this setting.
This is the recommended setting if you're using the depot separation for your Tax Reports.

Trades only:
The data is calculated solely from your trades.

Calculando dados curtos & longos de 16,652 negociações... (Tempo de carregamento: ~5 sec.)