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过滤器 (63/63)
  • Transaction Types (40/40)
  • 全选 | 全不选
  • Incoming Transactions
  • Outgoing Transactions
  • 交易所 (16/16)
  • 全选 | 全不选
  • 组 (7/7)
  • 全选 | 全不选
  • 时段 (全部)
  • 移除日期过滤器
  • 开始日期:
  • 结束日期:

Transaction Flow Report (Ledger List)

This detailed view additionally shows the amount and value of your exchanged currency before and after each transaction.
In addition, the growth since the last transaction is displayed as well as the change due to the transaction. Read more about this report.



  • Display of all transactions as a ledger
  • Incoming and outgoing transactions as well as fees are displayed as a separate entry
  • 搜索和分类你的记录
  • 使用高级搜索
  • 按照类型,交易所,交易组和日期过滤所有记录
  • 按CSV,Excel或者PDF导出所有记录


  • This page shows the all entries as ledger. If some entries are missing here, please enter them on the Enter Coins page.
  • Warnings:
    If the 'Balance before' or 'Balance after' is negative, a warning is displayed.
    This means that either before the transaction or as a result of the transaction (after the transaction) the balance of a currency has fallen below 0.
    In such a case, there is always an incorrect entry or import in your account.
    Please check all your transactions and enter or import missing transactions. You can find solutions in our detailed guide to account imbalances.
    If you do not fix the warnings, other reports will also provide warnings or wrong results.

Report guide

  • Balance before and Balance after:
    The 'Balance before' and 'Balance after' represents the amount of a currency before and after the transaction.
    If you already own 1 BTC and you buy 2 more BTC, the balance before will be 1 BTC and balance after will be 3 BTC.
    The 'Value before' and 'Value after' will convert the amounts into your account currency at the time of the transaction.
  • Price growth:
    The 'Price growth' is defined as the percentage change since the last transaction, or in other words, 'Value before' of the current transaction in relation to 'Value after' of the previous transaction.
    For example, let's assume you have 1 ETH with a value of 1000 USD. One month later you trade ETH again. On this date, your 1 ETH has a value of 1200 USD. The price growth is therefore 20 percent.
  • Transaction growth:
    The 'Transaction growth' is defined as the percentage change in the current transaction, or in other words, the ratio between 'Value after' and 'Value before'. If the 'Value before' is 0, no value will be calculated.
    For example, let's assume you have 1 ETH with a value of 1000 USD and you buy 0.5 ETH with a value of 500 USD. The 'Transaction growth' will be 50 percent.
  • Warnings and filter:
    If the 'Balance before' or 'Balance after' of a transaction is negative, a warning will be displayed. Click on 'show warnings only' to show all transactions with a warning.
    You can also use the filter to show all transactions of a certain exchange to see if any deposits or purchases are missing.
  • Tx # and fees:
    Ledger entries belonging to one transaction have the same Tx #. For example, a trade with a fee has 3 ledger entries. The purchase (or entry), the sale (or exit) and the fee.
    No 'balance before' or 'balance after' is calculated for fees, as fees are already included in the transaction.
Tx # 类型 数量 Cur. Value in USD
at transaction
Price in USD
per unit
交易所 交易组 Tx-ID 备注 Balance before Value before
in USD
Balance after Value after
in USD
Price growth Transaction growth 交易日期
Tx # 类型 数量 Cur. Value in USD
at transaction
Price in USD
per unit
交易所 交易组 Tx-ID 备注 Balance before Value before
in USD
Balance after Value after
in USD
Price growth Transaction growth 交易日期