CoinTracking mobile

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Coins by Exchange

The location of all your coins, assets and currencies with their amount and value by Exchange or Trade-Group. Trade-Groups can be set on the Enter Coins page by switching the table view to "Extended".

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BTC (Bitcoin) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
0.01600000 Moonpay1,087.28 USD 0.01600000 BTC
14.81000000 Resultat du Minage/Cracking/Client/Approuv1,006,416.22 USD 14.81000000 BTC
14.81000000 Resultat du Minage/Cracking/Client/Approuvé!1,006,416.22 USD 14.81000000 BTC
301.55225730 No Group20,492,037.92 USD 301.55225730 BTC
TOTAL: 22,545,425.15 USD 331.76904474 BTC

CRO (Cronos) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
582.60000000 No Group53.49 USD 0.00078711 BTC
TOTAL: 53.49 USD 0.00078711 BTC

DASH (Dash) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
75.24460000 No Group2,009.97 USD 0.02957786 BTC
TOTAL: 2,009.97 USD 0.02957786 BTC

DYDX (Dydx) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
1,000.00000000 No Group1,294.63 USD 0.01905117 BTC
TOTAL: 1,294.63 USD 0.01905117 BTC

ETH (Ethereum) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
4,753.34842000 No Group15,492,476.16 USD 227.98079793 BTC
TOTAL: 15,492,476.16 USD 227.98079793 BTC

GMRX (Gaimin) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
10,958.00000000 No Group20.63 USD 0.00030364 BTC
TOTAL: 20.63 USD 0.00030364 BTC

KAS (Kaspa) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
400.00000000 No Group73.22 USD 0.00107751 BTC
TOTAL: 73.22 USD 0.00107751 BTC

LTC (Litecoin) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
10,908.40270000 No Group777,600.61 USD 11.44284529 BTC
TOTAL: 777,600.61 USD 11.44284529 BTC

NEO (Neo) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
20,042,500.00000000 No Group233,533,804.80 USD 3,436.58577314 BTC
TOTAL: 233,533,804.80 USD 3,436.58577314 BTC

TRX (TRON) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
742.60000000 No Group101.74 USD 0.00149716 BTC
TOTAL: 101.74 USD 0.00149716 BTC

USDT (Tether USDt) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
0.00110000 No Group0.00 USD 0.00000002 BTC
TOTAL: 0.00 USD 0.00000002 BTC

VET (VeChain) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
1,800.00000000 No Group51.23 USD 0.00075387 BTC
TOTAL: 51.23 USD 0.00075387 BTC

XRP (Ripple) by Trade-Group

Quantidade Trade-GroupValor atual
in USD
Valor atual
in BTC
2,176,945.00000000 No Group1,303,071.84 USD 19.17546001 BTC
TOTAL: 1,303,071.84 USD 19.17546001 BTC

Total values

Coin # of Trade-Groups Valor atual in USD Valor atual in BTC
BTC 622,545,425.15 USD 331.76904474 BTC
CRO 153.49 USD 0.00078711 BTC
DASH 12,009.97 USD 0.02957786 BTC
DYDX 11,294.63 USD 0.01905117 BTC
ETH 115,492,476.16 USD 227.98079793 BTC
GMRX 120.63 USD 0.00030364 BTC
KAS 173.22 USD 0.00107751 BTC
LTC 1777,600.61 USD 11.44284529 BTC
NEO 1233,533,804.80 USD 3,436.58577314 BTC
TRX 1101.74 USD 0.00149716 BTC
USDT 10.00 USD 0.00000002 BTC
VET 151.23 USD 0.00075387 BTC
XRP 11,303,071.84 USD 19.17546001 BTC
TOTAL: 273,655,983.47 USD 4,027.00696945 BTC