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Clique na caixa à direita em "Mostrar Gráficos de TODAS as minhas Coins" para ver o preço de todas as Coins que você rastreou no CoinTracking. (Este recurso está disponível somente para usuários registrados).

Todas as tabelas podem ser ampliadas com o mouse. Clicando na legenda, valores individuais podem ser desativados.

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Bitcoin Entrada de preço US Dollar (USD)

Currency Details
Ticker BTC
Nome Bitcoin
Preço 67,895.86000000 USD 1.000000000000 BTC
Price (inverted) 0.00001473 BTC / 1 USD 1.00000000 BTC / 1 BTC
24h Volume 30,297,399,698 USD 446,233 BTC
Market Cap 1,339,691,574,821 USD 19,731,565 BTC
Moving Trends USD Trend
1h Trend -0.08%
24h Trend 2.68%
7d Trend 1.65%
30d Trend 10.18%

Absolute Trends (UTC time) USD Trend BTC Trend
Hoje (midnight - now) 0.00% 0.00%
Ontem (midnight - midnight) -100.00% -100.00%
2 days ago (midnight - midnight) 1.05% 0.00%
2 days till now (midnight - now) 3.63% 0.00%
Year Open Price (USD) Close Price (USD) Trend (USD) Open Price (BTC) Close Price (BTC) Trend (BTC)
01 Jan - now
42,443.10000000 USD 67,939.66000000 USD 60.07% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
16,520.33000000 USD 42,443.10000000 USD 156.91% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
46,338.51000000 USD 16,520.33000000 USD -64.35% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
28,853.18000000 USD 46,338.51000000 USD 60.60% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
7,155.57000000 USD 28,853.18000000 USD 303.23% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
3,735.05000000 USD 7,155.57000000 USD 91.58% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
13,826.59000000 USD 3,735.05000000 USD -72.99% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
968.05000000 USD 13,826.59000000 USD 1,328.29% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
430.81000000 USD 968.05000000 USD 124.70% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
321.26000000 USD 430.81000000 USD 34.10% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
813.28000000 USD 321.26000000 USD -60.50% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
13.35000000 USD 813.28000000 USD 5,991.99% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
5.21000000 USD 13.35000000 USD 156.24% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.30000000 USD 5.21000000 USD 1,636.67% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
03 Jan - 31 Dec
0.05000000 USD 0.30000000 USD 500.00% 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%
03 Jan 2010 - now
0.05000000 USD 67,939.66000000 USD 135.88 million % 1.000000000000 BTC 1.000000000000 BTC 0.00%