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Lossless (LSS) Price in Bitcoin

Currency Details
Ticker LSS
Name Lossless
Price 0.05476520 USD 0.000001013352 BTC
Price (inverted) 18.25977224 LSS / 1 USD 986,823.64451952 LSS / 1 BTC
24h Volume 145,075 USD 3 BTC
Market Cap 3,043,448 USD 56 BTC
binance-smart-chain: 0xf7686f43591302cd9b4b9c4fe1291473fae7d9c9Copied
Moving Trends USD Trend
1h Trend -0.03%
24h Trend 4.56%
7d Trend -9.93%
30d Trend -23.57%

Absolute Trends (UTC time) USD Trend BTC Trend
Today (midnight - now) 4.82% 4.52%
Yesterday (midnight - midnight) -0.78% 3.59%
2 days ago (midnight - midnight) 0.88% 4.29%
2 days till now (midnight - now) 4.92% 12.91%
Year Open Price (USD) Close Price (USD) Trend (USD) Open Price (BTC) Close Price (BTC) Trend (BTC)
01 Jan - now
0.18538806 USD 0.05474136 USD -70.47% 0.000004367920 BTC 0.000001013769 BTC -76.79%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.14003093 USD 0.18538806 USD 32.39% 0.000008476279 BTC 0.000004367920 BTC -48.47%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.92953037 USD 0.14003093 USD -84.94% 0.000020059565 BTC 0.000008476279 BTC -57.74%
03 Jun - 31 Dec
0.52411313 USD 0.92953037 USD 77.35% 0.000018164831 BTC 0.000020059565 BTC 10.43%
03 Jun 2021 - now
0.52411313 USD 0.05474136 USD -89.56% 0.000018164831 BTC 0.000001013769 BTC -94.42%