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Lite-usd (LITE) Price in Bitcoin

Currency Details
Ticker LITE
Name Lite-usd
Price 0.84727643 USD 0.000012479814 BTC
Price (inverted) 1.18025235 LITE / 1 USD 80,129.39775927 LITE / 1 BTC
24h Volume 0 USD 0 BTC
Market Cap 0 USD 0 BTC
Moving Trends USD Trend
1h Trend 0.48%
24h Trend 3.23%
7d Trend 1.02%
30d Trend 10.17%

Absolute Trends (UTC time) USD Trend BTC Trend
Today (midnight - now) -0.01% 0.00%
Yesterday (midnight - midnight) 2.55% 0.00%
2 days ago (midnight - midnight) 1.05% 0.00%
2 days till now (midnight - now) 3.62% 0.00%
Year Open Price (USD) Close Price (USD) Trend (USD) Open Price (BTC) Close Price (BTC) Trend (BTC)
01 Jan - now
0.52968200 USD 0.84732772 USD 59.97% 0.000012479814 BTC 0.000012479814 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
1.94386543 USD 0.52968200 USD -72.75% 0.000117665048 BTC 0.000012479814 BTC -89.39%
15 Nov - 31 Dec
5.47971459 USD 1.94386543 USD -64.53% 0.000118254009 BTC 0.000117665048 BTC -0.50%
15 Nov 2022 - now
5.47971459 USD 0.84732772 USD -84.54% 0.000118254009 BTC 0.000012479814 BTC -89.45%