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Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Price in Bitcoin

Currency Details
Ticker BCH
Name Bitcoin Cash
Price 377.43195215 USD 0.005558983304 BTC
Price (inverted) 0.00264948 BCH / 1 USD 179.88900943 BCH / 1 BTC
24h Volume 213,068,248 USD 3,138 BTC
Market Cap 7,449,855,665 USD 109,725 BTC
Moving Trends USD Trend
1h Trend 0.04%
24h Trend 3.45%
7d Trend -3.00%
30d Trend -2.90%

Absolute Trends (UTC time) USD Trend BTC Trend
Today (midnight - now) 0.00% 0.00%
Yesterday (midnight - midnight) -100.00% -100.00%
2 days ago (midnight - midnight) 0.51% -0.53%
2 days till now (midnight - now) 3.80% 0.17%
Year Open Price (USD) Close Price (USD) Trend (USD) Open Price (BTC) Close Price (BTC) Trend (BTC)
01 Jan - now
259.89909122 USD 377.30146429 USD 45.17% 0.006123470982 BTC 0.005553478841 BTC -9.31%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
96.82161314 USD 259.89909122 USD 168.43% 0.005860755393 BTC 0.006123470982 BTC 4.48%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
431.76001607 USD 96.82161314 USD -77.58% 0.009317520483 BTC 0.005860755393 BTC -37.10%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
338.75067288 USD 431.76001607 USD 27.46% 0.011740496988 BTC 0.009317520483 BTC -20.64%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
203.09585774 USD 338.75067288 USD 66.79% 0.028382904191 BTC 0.011740496988 BTC -58.64%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
148.93205601 USD 203.09585774 USD 36.37% 0.039874180000 BTC 0.028382904191 BTC -28.82%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
2,377.03140367 USD 148.93205601 USD -93.73% 0.171917400000 BTC 0.039874180000 BTC -76.81%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.00014521 USD 2,377.03140367 USD 1,636,989,314.23% 0.000000150000 BTC 0.171917400000 BTC 114,611,500.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.00006462 USD 0.00014521 USD 124.70% 0.000000150000 BTC 0.000000150000 BTC 0.00%
29 Jul - 31 Dec
0.00004819 USD 0.00006462 USD 34.10% 0.000000150000 BTC 0.000000150000 BTC 0.00%
29 Jul 2015 - now
0.00004819 USD 377.30146429 USD 782.96 million % 0.000000150000 BTC 0.005553478841 BTC 3.70 million %