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Alchemy Pay (ACH) Price in Bitcoin

Currency Details
Ticker ACH
Name Alchemy Pay
Price 0.01788161 USD 0.000000308602 BTC
Price (inverted) 55.92336172 ACH / 1 USD 3,240,424.94932786 ACH / 1 BTC
24h Volume 6,994,798 USD 121 BTC
Market Cap 145,373,193 USD 2,509 BTC
binance-smart-chain: 0xbc7d6b50616989655afd682fb42743507003056dCopied
Moving Trends USD Trend
1h Trend 0.28%
24h Trend -5.62%
7d Trend -2.27%
30d Trend -4.73%

Absolute Trends (UTC time) USD Trend BTC Trend
Today (midnight - now) -2.49% -0.74%
Yesterday (midnight - midnight) -7.07% -5.45%
2 days ago (midnight - midnight) 2.25% 3.30%
2 days till now (midnight - now) -7.35% -3.05%
Year Open Price (USD) Close Price (USD) Trend (USD) Open Price (BTC) Close Price (BTC) Trend (BTC)
01 Jan - now
0.02145052 USD 0.01782884 USD -16.88% 0.000000505395 BTC 0.000000308232 BTC -39.01%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.00778298 USD 0.02145052 USD 175.61% 0.000000471116 BTC 0.000000505395 BTC 7.28%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.06340693 USD 0.00778298 USD -87.73% 0.000001368342 BTC 0.000000471116 BTC -65.57%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.00346222 USD 0.06340693 USD 1,731.40% 0.000000119994 BTC 0.000001368342 BTC 1,040.34%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.00071556 USD 0.00346222 USD 383.85% 0.000000100000 BTC 0.000000119994 BTC 19.99%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.00037351 USD 0.00071556 USD 91.58% 0.000000100000 BTC 0.000000100000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.00055306 USD 0.00037351 USD -32.47% 0.000000040000 BTC 0.000000100000 BTC 150.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.00003872 USD 0.00055306 USD 1,328.29% 0.000000040000 BTC 0.000000040000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.00001723 USD 0.00003872 USD 124.70% 0.000000040000 BTC 0.000000040000 BTC 0.00%
01 Jan - 31 Dec
0.00888926 USD 0.00001723 USD -99.81% 0.000027670000 BTC 0.000000040000 BTC -99.86%
18 Oct - 31 Dec
0.04834950 USD 0.00888926 USD -81.61% 0.000059450000 BTC 0.000027670000 BTC -53.46%
18 Oct 2014 - now
0.04834950 USD 0.01782884 USD -63.13% 0.000059450000 BTC 0.000000308232 BTC -99.48%