CoinTracking mobile

Bạn đang xem bản demo trực tiếp. Đăng kí miễn phí để bắt đầu.

Zyado permits access to the following data (?)
Not all exchanges provide access to all information.
If an API or CSV does not contain certain data, CoinTracking will not be able to import it.

Please enter the missing trade data in such a case manually on the Enter Coins page.
Giao dịch yes
Nạp yes
Rút yes
Lệ phí yes

Zyado Import (offline)

Zyado has been closed. If you still have an old Zyado file, you can import it here.

Old import instruction:

1. Login in your Zyado Account.
2. Go to "Account" and then "Traded Bitcoin"(
3. Select with the mouse the whole table without the table head (Type, Amount BTC ...) and without the navigation on the left
4. Copy and paste it to the box below (please make no changes) and click on the import button

Paste the code from clipboard in here:


Bạn có thể xóa các giao dịch bị nhập sai trên trang Nhập Coins