- Light: Original CoinTracking theme
- Dimmed: Dimmed theme with reduced brightness
- Dark: Dark theme with blue accents
- Black: Simply black
- Classic: Harder font without anti-aliasing, smaller margins, boxes with borders
Please change back to Light, if you have problems with the other themes.
1. Navigate to the Transactions page (https://cointracking.info/enter_coins.php)
2. Click on the Export button above the table and select CSV to download a CSV file with all your transactions. Please make sure that the table view is set to Extended before exporting.
3. If you want to edit the CSV file, please do it in a text-based editor. Programs like Excel may change the layout of the file and prevent a successful import
4. Upload here the CSV file
If you want to import the exported file into another CoinTracking account, make sure both accounts use the same language.
[Read here how to create your own CSV file]
If you want to create your own CSV file, please ensure the header format is like this: "Type", "Buy Amount", "Buy Currency", "Sell Amount", "Sell Currency", "Fee", "Fee Currency", "Exchange", "Trade-Group", "Comment", "Date"
Optionally you can add those 4 columns at the end (after the "Date" column): "Tx-ID", "Buy Value in Account Currency", "Sell Value in Account Currency", "Liquidity pool"
The Buy and Sell Value is the traded amount converted into your Account Currency (e.g. USD) at the time of the transaction. If you leave the Buy and Sell Values empty or set them to 0, they will be automatically calculated by CoinTracking.
Imports are not available in a demo account! Please log-in to import your transactions.