What is IOTA and how does it Work?

3 Sep, 2024 · 24 min read

Unlike traditional blockchain systems, IOTA introduces a novel approach to distributed ledger technology that is designed to address the specific needs of the Internet of Things (IoT). As our world becomes increasingly connected through IoT devices, the need for secure, efficient, and scalable data and value transfer solutions becomes paramount. IOTA aims to provide these solutions with its distinctive architecture and features. This article will delve into what IOTA is, how it works, and why it is a significant player in the cryptocurrency space.

Key Takeaways
  • Designed for IoT: IOTA is specifically built to facilitate secure communication and transactions between IoT devices.

  • No Transaction Fees: Unlike most blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, IOTA transactions are free, making microtransactions viable.

  • Tangle Technology: IOTA uses a unique structure called the Tangle, which differs from traditional blockchains and enables high scalability.

  • Decentralization and Scalability: IOTA’s architecture ensures decentralization and is designed to scale effectively as more devices join the network.

  • Energy Efficiency: IOTA’s consensus mechanism is lightweight and energy-efficient compared to traditional blockchain mining processes.

What is IOTA?

IOTA is a revolutionary distributed ledger technology specifically designed for the Internet of Things (IoT). Unlike traditional blockchain systems, IOTA utilizes a unique data structure called the Tangle, which offers distinct advantages in terms of scalability, decentralization, and efficiency. IOTA’s mission is to enable secure sales and trading data streams, creating an open and transparent marketplace for data that can be utilized by IoT devices and services.

What is the IOTA token?

The IOTA token (IOTA), is the native cryptocurrency of the IOTA network. It is used to facilitate transactions within the network, providing a means of exchanging value and paying for services. Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, IOTA does not involve transaction fees, which is crucial for enabling microtransactions between IoT devices. This fee-less nature of IOTA transactions is one of its most compelling features, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from smart cities to industrial automation.


As of October 4, 2023, with the upgrade to the Stardust protocol on the IOTA Mainnet, the IOTA Foundation has updated the token nomenclature. Previously, one micro was called one IOTA, and 1,000,000 IOTAs made up 1 MIOTA (mega IOTA). However, to align with common denominations used in the distributed ledger technology (DLT) space, the IOTA Foundation has removed the SI prefixes. The token is now simply called IOTA.

How Does IOTA Work?

Unlike traditional blockchains that rely on linear chains of blocks, IOTA uses an alternative architecture that offers numerous advantages and ensures an efficient system. In the following, we take a look at the most important features and differences.

Tangle technology

At the core of IOTA’s technology is the Tangle, a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that replaces the traditional blockchain architecture. In the Tangle, each transaction confirms two previous transactions, creating a web of interlinked transactions. This structure allows for greater scalability and efficiency, as the network’s capacity grows with increased usage. The more transactions that occur, the faster and more secure the network becomes, making it highly suitable for the vast number of microtransactions expected in IoT ecosystems.

Free of transaction fees

One of the standout features of IOTA is its zero-fee transaction model. Traditional blockchain networks often suffer from high transaction costs, especially when the network is congested. IOTA eliminates these fees by requiring each participant to verify two other transactions before their own transaction is confirmed. This approach not only removes the need for miners but also ensures that the network remains free to use, regardless of transaction volume. This fee-less system is particularly advantageous for IoT applications, where frequent microtransactions are expected.

Decentralization and scalability

IOTA’s Tangle architecture inherently supports decentralization and scalability. Unlike blockchain networks that may become bottlenecked as they grow, the Tangle’s structure allows it to scale efficiently. As more devices and transactions join the network, the Tangle becomes more robust and efficient. This scalability is essential for the future of IoT, where billions of devices will need to interact seamlessly. Furthermore, IOTA’s decentralization ensures that no single entity has control over the network, promoting security and trust.

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Potential Use Cases of IOTA

IOTA’s unique features and capabilities make it a versatile technology suitable for various applications across different industries. Here are some of the most promising use cases for IOTA:

Internet of Things (IoT)

IOTA is specifically designed to cater to the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. With billions of connected devices expected in the near future, IOTA’s fee-less transactions and scalable architecture make it an ideal solution for secure and efficient data exchange between IoT devices. IOTA can facilitate microtransactions between devices, enabling autonomous machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and services such as automated payments, data sharing, and resource allocation.

Smart cities

In the context of smart cities, IOTA can be used to create interconnected urban environments where data and services flow seamlessly between various city systems. From intelligent transportation systems and energy grids to public safety and waste management, IOTA can enhance the efficiency and sustainability of city operations. Its decentralized nature ensures that critical infrastructure remains secure and resilient against cyber threats.

Supply chain management

IOTA offers significant benefits for supply chain management by providing transparent and immutable tracking of goods and materials. Each step of the supply chain, from production to delivery, can be recorded on the IOTA Tangle, ensuring traceability and reducing fraud. Companies can use IOTA to verify the authenticity of products, monitor conditions during transit, and streamline logistics processes, ultimately enhancing efficiency and trust in global supply chains.

Automotive industry

The automotive industry is another area where IOTA can have a transformative impact. IOTA can enable secure communication and transactions between vehicles and infrastructure, supporting applications such as automated toll payments, secure firmware updates, and data sharing for autonomous driving. Additionally, IOTA can facilitate the development of new business models, such as vehicle-as-a-service (VaaS) and peer-to-peer car sharing, by providing a trusted platform for transactions and data exchange.


In the healthcare sector, IOTA can be used to securely store and share patient data, ensuring privacy and compliance with regulatory requirements. IOTA’s tamper-proof ledger can improve the accuracy and reliability of medical records, support remote patient monitoring, and facilitate the secure transfer of medical information between healthcare providers. This can enhance patient care, reduce administrative costs, and streamline medical research.

Energy Management

IOTA can play a crucial role in the energy sector by enabling peer-to-peer energy trading and optimizing the distribution of renewable energy sources. Smart grids can use IOTA to manage and balance supply and demand in real-time, facilitating efficient energy distribution and reducing waste. IOTA can also support microgrids and decentralized energy networks, promoting sustainable energy practices and reducing reliance on centralized power systems.

What Are the Goals of IOTA?

IOTA aims to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and data by providing a scalable, secure, and fee-less platform for transactions and communication. The primary goals of IOTA include:

  • Facilitating IoT Integration: By providing a robust and scalable framework for IoT devices, IOTA aims to enable seamless communication and transactions between billions of connected devices.
  • Eliminating Transaction Fees: IOTA seeks to make microtransactions viable by eliminating transaction fees, thereby opening up new business models and applications that require frequent, low-value exchanges.
  • Enhancing Scalability: With its Tangle architecture, IOTA is designed to scale efficiently as more devices and transactions join the network, ensuring that it can handle the growing demands of the IoT ecosystem.
  • Promoting Decentralization: IOTA aims to create a decentralized network where no single entity has control, enhancing security and trust in the system.
  • Driving Innovation: By providing a versatile and adaptable platform, IOTA seeks to drive innovation across various industries, from smart cities and supply chain management to healthcare and energy.
  • Sustainability and Efficiency: IOTA is committed to providing an energy-efficient solution that supports sustainable practices and reduces the environmental impact of digital transactions.

What Are the Benefits of IOTA?

IOTA offers numerous advantages that make it an attractive option for various applications and industries. Here are some of the key benefits:

No transaction fees

One of the most significant benefits of IOTA is its fee-less transaction model. Unlike traditional blockchain systems, which often require users to pay transaction fees, IOTA enables cost-free transactions. This is particularly important for IoT applications, where frequent microtransactions between devices are common. By eliminating transaction fees, IOTA makes it economically feasible to execute numerous small-value transactions.

High scalability

IOTA’s unique Tangle technology ensures high scalability. As more transactions are added to the network, its capacity increases, making it more efficient and faster. This scalability is crucial for supporting the vast number of transactions expected in IoT ecosystems, where billions of devices will be interacting simultaneously.


IOTA’s decentralized nature and Tangle architecture provide a robust security framework. Each new transaction validates two previous transactions, creating a web of interconnected transactions that enhances security. This structure makes it difficult for malicious actors to manipulate the network, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of transactions.


Transactions on the IOTA network are confirmed quickly due to the Tangle’s efficient consensus mechanism. As the network grows, the speed of transaction confirmations increases, enabling near-instantaneous transactions. This is vital for real-time applications, such as autonomous vehicles and smart grids, where timely data exchange is critical.


IOTA is designed to be fully decentralized, with no central authority controlling the network. This decentralization ensures that the network is resilient and less vulnerable to single points of failure. It also promotes trust and transparency, as all transactions are publicly verifiable and immutable.

Energy Efficiency

IOTA’s consensus mechanism is lightweight and does not require energy-intensive mining processes like traditional blockchain networks. This energy efficiency makes IOTA a more sustainable option, reducing its environmental impact and operational costs.


IOTA’s versatile framework allows it to be adapted for various use cases across different industries. Whether it’s IoT, smart cities, supply chain management, healthcare, or energy, IOTA’s flexible architecture can be tailored to meet specific needs and requirements.

Enhanced Data Integrity

IOTA’s Tangle provides a tamper-proof ledger, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of data. This feature is particularly valuable for applications that require reliable data verification, such as supply chain management and healthcare.


IOTA is designed to be interoperable with other systems and technologies. This interoperability allows it to integrate seamlessly with existing infrastructure and other blockchain networks, facilitating broader adoption and collaboration across different platforms.


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What Are the Disadvantages of IOTA?

While IOTA offers many benefits, it also has some disadvantages and challenges that need to be addressed. Here are some of the key drawbacks:

Security concerns

Despite its innovative Tangle technology, IOTA has faced security concerns in the past. The network has experienced vulnerabilities that have been exploited, leading to losses for users. Ensuring robust security measures and ongoing updates are critical to maintaining user trust and the network’s integrity.

Market volatility

Like other cryptocurrencies, IOTA is subject to significant market volatility. The value of the IOTA token can fluctuate widely, which can be a risk for investors and businesses that rely on stable transaction costs. This volatility can hinder its adoption for practical, everyday use cases.

Technological challenges

Implementing and maintaining IOTA’s Tangle network can present technological challenges. The complexity of the Tangle and its novel approach require ongoing research and development to optimize performance, scalability, and security.

Adoption and Awareness

While IOTA has gained attention within the tech and crypto communities, broader awareness and adoption are still limited. Educating potential users and businesses about the advantages and practical applications of IOTA is essential for its growth and success.

Regulatory Uncertainty

The regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies is still developing, and IOTA is no exception. Uncertainty around regulations and potential legal challenges can impact its adoption and usage. Clear regulatory frameworks are needed to provide confidence and security for users and businesses.

Taxation of IOTA

Taxation of cryptocurrencies, including IOTA, varies by country and jurisdiction. It’s important for users to understand how their transactions and holdings are taxed to ensure compliance with local laws.

IOTA taxes in the US

In the United States, the IRS treats cryptocurrencies as property. This means that capital gains tax applies to IOTA transactions. Selling, exchanging, or using IOTA triggers taxable events, and gains must be reported.

IOTA taxes in the UK

In the UK, HMRC classifies cryptocurrencies as a capital asset. Capital gains tax applies to IOTA transactions, with taxpayers required to report gains and keep detailed records of all transactions.

IOTA Foundation

The IOTA Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and standardization of IOTA technology. Established in Germany, the Foundation focuses on advancing the core protocol and fostering an ecosystem that supports the adoption of IOTA. The Foundation collaborates with various industry partners, academic institutions, and research organizations to drive innovation and real-world implementation of IOTA’s Tangle technology.

The History of IOTA

IOTA was created to address the specific needs of the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, providing a secure, scalable, and fee-less platform for transactions. Here is a brief overview of its history.

Who are the founders of IOTA?

IOTA was founded in 2015 by David Sønstebø, Sergey Ivancheglo, Dominik Schiener, and Dr. Serguei Popov. These founders brought together a diverse range of expertise in technology, cryptography, and business to develop a new type of distributed ledger technology specifically designed for IoT applications. Their vision was to create a scalable and efficient platform that could handle the vast number of microtransactions required by IoT devices.

Early Development and Milestones

  • 2015: IOTA was conceptualized and developed. The founders introduced the Tangle, a novel data structure designed to overcome the limitations of traditional blockchains, such as scalability issues and transaction fees.
  • 2016: The IOTA Foundation was established to oversee the development and promotion of the IOTA network. This non-profit organization aims to drive the adoption of IOTA technology across various industries.
  • 2017: IOTA gained significant attention and partnerships, including collaborations with major corporations like Bosch and Fujitsu. This year also saw the launch of the IOTA Data Marketplace, demonstrating the potential of IOTA for secure data sharing.
  • 2018: The IOTA Foundation joined the Trusted IoT Alliance and the MOBI (Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative), further solidifying its role in the IoT and mobility sectors. This year also marked the release of the Trinity Wallet, a user-friendly wallet for storing and managing IOTA tokens.
  • 2019: IOTA introduced Coordicide, a major upgrade aimed at removing the central coordinator to achieve full decentralization. This initiative represents a significant step toward making IOTA a fully autonomous and decentralized network.
  • 2020: The Chrysalis upgrade was launched, enhancing the network’s performance, security, and usability. This upgrade included significant protocol improvements and set the stage for the future implementation of Coordicide.
  • 2021: IOTA continued to expand its ecosystem with the introduction of IOTA Streams and IOTA Access, tools designed to enhance data management and access control within the IoT landscape.
  • 2023: On October 4, 2023, IOTA implemented the Stardust protocol upgrade on the Mainnet. This upgrade included a significant change in the token nomenclature, aligning with more common denominations used in the DLT space and simplifying the token structure.

Vision for the Future

The IOTA Foundation remains committed to its mission of enabling the seamless exchange of value and data in the IoT era. By continuing to innovate and collaborate with industry leaders, the Foundation aims to create a more interconnected and efficient world. Future developments, including the full implementation of Coordicide, promise to enhance the IOTA network’s capabilities and solidify its position as a leading technology in the IoT and DLT landscapes.


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What is the Difference Between the Tangle and a Blockchain

The Tangle and blockchain are both types of distributed ledger technologies, but they differ fundamentally in their architecture and operation.

What is the difference between IOTA and Bitcoin?

  • Structure: Bitcoin uses a linear blockchain where transactions are grouped into blocks and added sequentially to the chain. IOTA uses a directed acyclic graph (DAG) called the Tangle, where each new transaction validates two previous transactions, creating a web of interlinked transactions.
  • Transaction Fees: Bitcoin transactions require fees paid to miners who validate and add transactions to the blockchain. IOTA transactions are fee-less, as each user must validate two previous transactions before their own is confirmed, eliminating the need for miners.
  • Scalability: Bitcoin’s blockchain can become congested, leading to slower transaction times and higher fees. IOTA’s Tangle becomes more efficient as more transactions are added, allowing for higher scalability and faster transaction confirmations.
  • Energy Consumption: Bitcoin mining requires significant computational power and energy. IOTA’s consensus mechanism is lightweight and does not involve mining, making it more energy-efficient.
  • Target Use Cases: Bitcoin is primarily designed as a digital currency and store of value. IOTA, on the other hand, is tailored for the Internet of Things (IoT), enabling microtransactions and data integrity for connected devices.

Frequently Asked Questions
about IOTA & IOTA Foundation

How can you earn money with IOTA?2024-07-30T12:30:31+01:00

You can earn money with IOTA primarily through investing, trading, and participating in the network. Investing involves buying and holding IOTA tokens with the expectation that their value will increase over time. Trading entails actively buying and selling IOTA on cryptocurrency exchanges to profit from price fluctuations.

What is Tangle technology?2024-07-30T12:31:06+01:00

Tangle technology is the core innovation behind IOTA. Unlike traditional blockchains, the Tangle is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) where each transaction validates two previous transactions. This structure enables high scalability, eliminates transaction fees, and enhances security as the network grows.

Can IOTA be mined?2024-07-30T12:31:43+01:00

No, IOTA cannot be mined. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin that rely on mining to validate transactions and create new coins, IOTA uses the Tangle. In the Tangle, users validate two previous transactions before their own transaction is confirmed, removing the need for miners and making the network more energy-efficient and scalable.

What is IOTA?2024-07-30T12:32:09+01:00

IOTA is a distributed ledger technology designed specifically for the Internet of Things (IoT). It utilizes the Tangle, a unique data structure that allows for scalable, secure, and fee-less transactions. The native cryptocurrency of the IOTA network is the IOTA token, which is used for transactions and value exchange within the network.

How does IOTA work?2024-07-30T12:32:35+01:00

IOTA works by using the Tangle, a directed acyclic graph (DAG), instead of a traditional blockchain. In the Tangle, each new transaction must confirm two previous transactions, creating a web of interconnected transactions. This structure allows for high scalability, as the network becomes more efficient with increased usage.

What is IOTA used for?2024-07-30T12:33:00+01:00

IOTA is primarily used for enabling secure, fee-less transactions and data transfers within the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. It facilitates microtransactions between IoT devices, and is suitable for smart city infrastructure, supply chain management, automotive industry applications, healthcare data management, and energy grid optimization.


IOTA represents a groundbreaking approach to distributed ledger technology with its innovative Tangle architecture. Designed for the Internet of Things (IoT), IOTA offers unique benefits such as fee-less transactions, high scalability, and energy efficiency. For those interested in managing their IOTA investments, CoinTracking offers comprehensive portfolio tracking, real-time price updates, and detailed tax reporting features, making it an essential tool for cryptocurrency investors.




The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as financial, investment, or legal advice. Cryptocurrency investments are highly volatile and carry significant risks. Before investing in IOTA or any other cryptocurrency, conduct thorough research, consult with a financial advisor, and ensure you understand the risks involved. The author and publisher are not responsible for any financial losses or damages that may occur from following the information presented in this article. Always use caution and make informed decisions when dealing with cryptocurrencies.

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Crypto trader and blockchain enthusiast with a passion for innovative technologies in the cryptocurrency market.
Crypto trader and blockchain enthusiast with a passion for innovative technologies in the cryptocurrency market.


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