Top crypto venture capital funds in Europe

31 Mar, 2022 · 2 min read

Are you a crypto company in Europe looking for the right venture capital investor? In 2021, venture capital reached record levels of investment, with investments in Europe increasing.

In late-2021 and 2022, new crypto-based funds have emerged in Europe to serve crypto entrepreneurs, with many established non-crypto venture capital firms are also investing in the sector.

Many global crypto venture capital firms also participate in rounds for leading European crypto startups.

Today, we cover the main crypto funds launched recently in Europe and established funds that can also be part of your next funding round.

New crypto VC funds in Europe

Blossom Capital

Blossom Capital just raised a $432M fund to back Series A startups in Europe.

Blossom invests across sectors, but this new fund will have one-third of the total amount allocated for crypto startups. The VC firm already participated in MoonPay’s round last year and will make more crypto investments.

Cherry Ventures

Berlin-based VC firm Cherry Ventures just launched its first fund targeted at crypto startups, with $34 million ready to invest, having already participated in rounds for Lido, Morpho, and Radicle.

Greenfield One

In late-2021, Greenfield One raised one of the largest crypto funds ever in Europe, with $160m to invest in crypto startups.

The VC firm already invested in crypto companies like Celo, Dapper Labs, Colony, 1inch, NEAR Protocol, and others.

Kraken Ventures

In December 2021, Kraken Ventures launched a new $65M with key hires to lead European investment in crypto startups.

Tioga Capital

Brussel-based Tioga Capital announced the closing of their first fund with $70M to invest in crypto startups.

The new VC firm is targeting Seed & Series A deals in blockchain and digital asset companies.

LeadBlock Partners

LeadBlock Partners announced its plan to close its first fund at $100M for B2B blockchain startups.

Their portfolio includes industry leaders like BlockFi or Bitpanda.

Crypto venture capital firms in Europe

Outlier Ventures

Outlier Ventures is a leading crypto investment and accelerator firm based in the UK.

Outlier invests in early-stage companies across crypto, from blockchain infrastructure to the NFTs and the Metaverse.

BlueYard Capital

BlueYard Capital is a Berlin-based venture capital firm investing in blockchain companies since 2016.

The firm raised a $120M fund to invest in the new decentralized future.

Fabric Ventures

In mid-2021, Fabric Ventures launched a $130M fund for crypto startups and became the first fund with EIF-backing to pursue digital assets.

The firm has been investing in the open economy since 2021, with a wide range of investments in the crypto sector like Polkadot, NEAR Protocol, Sorare, Decentraland, Orchid, 1inch, or Coinbase.

Semantic Ventures

Semantic Ventures is a London-based venture capital firm focused on the data and digital economy.

Its portfolio includes Paladin, Lido, Sorare, Dune Analytics, NexusMutual, Messari, and other leading crypto companies.


In late-2021, Amsterdam-based Maven11 raised its second fund for crypto startups.

The VC firm raised $120M to invest in infrastructure protocols, DeFi, and Web 3 applications after investing in Merit Circle, Zapper, Maple Finance, and others.

Signature Ventures

Signature Ventures is a venture capital firm based in Munich, betting on the open internet thesis.

Their portfolio includes companies like Unchained Capital, Celestia, and Finoa.

Blockwall Capital

Blockwall Capital has raised two funds dedicated to crypto startups, blockchain protocols, and the future of the internet.

The firm focuses on European pre-seed/ seed-stage startup deals and B2B opportunities. Its portfolio includes Pocket Network, Ocean Protocol,, and other leading crypto companies.

European VC firms investing in crypto

Beyond crypto-focused venture capital funds, there are several European-based firms focused on tech that also invest in crypto companies, including (not exhaustive):

  • Vito ventures
  • Seed+speed
  • Earlybird VC
  • High-Tech Gründerfonds
  • Mosaic Ventures
  • HV Holtzbrinck Ventures
  • Point Nine Capital
  • Lunar Ventures
  • Xange

We focused on European-based firms, but many global crypto and non-crypto funds invest globally like Digital Currency Group, Andreessen Horowitz, Paradigm, Coinbase Ventures, and others.

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Disclaimer: All the information provided above is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional investment, legal, or tax advice. You should conduct your own research or consult with a professional financial advisor when investing.

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Crypto trader and blockchain enthusiast with a passion for innovative technologies in the cryptocurrency market.


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